Saturday, March 18, 2006

2006/03/18 - Number 6


I won't bother mentioning the 5c/10c online poker I have been playing as it is too boring and pretty annoying as well - Unless I win big or lose big.....

$50 buy in tonight game - 23 players, 2000 chips each.

I play poorly, flop trip 9s and play them to perfection and am now 2000 up.

I revert to playing poorly by chasing, calling that extra card I KNOW I shouldn't chase.

Between all that my "Spider Senses" are really good as I fold quad 2's and 10's full of 3's.

Anyway I am down to my last $400 and am dealt pocket 6s.

I go all in.

Small and big blind call.

Board has 8 9 J, Turn is K and I think I am dead. But no, they are checking all the way! I think I am up here!!! River is a beautiful 4! SB checks then BB raises $500!?

OK good bet, the SB folds and now she is 50/50 right?

I turn my pocket 6s and then see her pretty yet UGLY smile as she shows her.........


Rivered up the arse again!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

2006/03/15 - Number 5


This will be short and sweet.

Went to the Casino today.

Tried a different card protector - My Gold Medal received in 1984 for winning the under 12's Grand Final.

Bought in for $250, got dealt CRAP for 3 hours. Was down to about $84 when finally dealt pocket rockets. The flop comes 6 Q 9. Small blind raises and I call putting him on a Q. Couple of others call, but people are always chasing - Including me today I must admit!

Turn and river give junk - no straights or flushes and no pairs on the board plus everyone checking then limping to my raises. I go all in with last $20. Small blind and one other call.

SB HAS a Q, I flip my Rockets and everyone goes yep....until mr silent turns his 6 9 off to give him two pairs.

I don't think I could've gotten away from that and I leave with my pocket aces still staring back at me with $4 in my pocket.

Suffice to say Under 12's Medal goes back in it's box!


Monday, March 13, 2006

2006/03/11 - Number 4


Yes anyone who can count (not me obviously at that time in the morning) realised I am +$444 not +$446

So anyway, I decided to play Saturday night after all.

26 Players and top 6 got paid.
1st $500
2nd $325
3rd $200
4th $125
5th $100
6th $50 - money back.

Not much to report except I insisted we reduce the blind timing to 30 mins instead of 45.

We have been finishing every week between 3am and 4am and I believed that this was too late - especially as most people just take off leaving the host and same few to pack up and leave even later.

For the third week in a row I have had the same guy sitting on my right. He is friendly enough and a nice guy, but he has 2 really annoying habits.

1) He takes 10 minutes to make every decision. He will stare at you as if getting a read (see point two) then put his chips out string betting different sized stacks. At no point does he say "call" or "raise" and if it is a raise, he doesnt announce how much. I spend all night having to count his chips he bets to announce to the table what he has done.

2) He claims to have "studied body language". If he did study it, they obviously didn't have to pass a test at the end or he wouldn't mention it because he has no clue what I or anyone ever has. Most pots he wins are by sucking out or picking up a good flop.

Anyway story goes like this. Pretty disciplined game I played but got rivered a couple of times and was low stacked...for a change! - Alannis Morissette would call this ironic!!!

Anyway pushed all in with AQ or AJ suited and was called by the host with his pocket 4s.

Surprise surprise his flopped set sent me home at a respectable 12.30am, $50 richer and happy to be in bed before 1am.

Once again I forgot my camera but when I remember I will get said executioners to "re-enact" there hands.

I think I will head back to the casino this Wednesday which will be the 15th March.

I am unsure whether I will use the same buy in "for luck" or any of that.

One of my plans was to ignore all superstition and talk of luck yet I strongly believe in the power of the mind. I know that all my life, when I have TRULY believed I would get/achieve something, I have.

The problem is DO I BELIEVE IT?

I have found and used on Staurday a $5 chip from the casino that I picked up in 1993. It was my 21st birthday and by coincidence the 5th anniversary of the casino's opening so they "minted" some special $5 chips. It is colourful and no longer in circulation and everyone I show likes it. It "got me to 5th" on Staurday.

I was planning on using it as my card minder for Wednesday but then started thinking "If the casino sees it can they claim it? I seem to remember someone somewhere saying all chips are casino property and cannot be taken from the premises? It seems odd - there is NO WAY that this chip would have cost them more than 20 cents I reckon... but do I risk losing it?

I used it on Sat night and although I came 5th and didn't win, any placing in a tourney and any plus finish has gotta be pretty good.... Hmm I just realised $5 Chip, 5th Anniversary, Came 5th... Maybe the chip is holding me back?

I have another few disc like things I was considering using including a medal I received from my Junior Footy (Aussie Rules) club for reaching the 125 games milestone. I actually played a year away so technically should have gotten a 150 but I was still very proud and it is the only "trophy" I have kept except for the one I won in under 8s (the first year I played) I dismantled this and just kept the base with the plaque as a paper weight, but I digress....

I think my mind is made up.

I will play on Wednesday again
I will buy in with $215
I will bring my 125 games medal

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

2006/03/08 - Number 3

Sunday 5 Mar 2006

Well I guess if someone is actually reading this other than me you must REALLY be an internet troller of the serious kind.

I said I was $50 down after last Saturday and have just thought it might be another idea to keep a running tally so from now on my posts will start with my pre post + or - looking like this.


I will sign off with my current + or - (and therefore every new post will start with the final figure from the prev one.... Clear as mud??? Good.

So, following on from my last post, I was keen to play again soon and it didn't take too long as Sunday night following I finally got the fam to play.

The players were Myself, Lil Sis(ls), Lil Sis Boyf(lsb) and Mum(m).

$10 buy in playing with chips worth 20c each. No limit set but being a cash game of sorts all in was only when short stacked like $2-$3 worth left.

After a rough start I played pretty well and got my fair share of cards. The most painful hand was when I had Q 9 suited flopped q and 9 then hit a 9 on the river.....turns out m had pocket queens and her boat sunk mine.

The order or damage was
Total pot $40
m rebought (from me)$10
me rebought $10
lsb/m rebought (from me)$10
m rebought $10 (from me)
ls out
lsb out

The most interesting part of the night was the last 2 hours we spent arguing about who owed who money and how much. I am sure I was stiffed (not on purpose) $10 and ended + $34 (by my calc I shoulda had $44).

I heartily recommend the money talks and bullshit walks method of keeping track of money - ie Friends or family or whoever, if they are buying chips they BUY CHIPS. MONEY UPFRONT and in the pot so no confusion. If allowing rebuys add chips or at least collect the money when they buy off you - because the sting of a loss often corrodes the short and long term memory...

Nevertheless, after Sunday night I was now only -$16

Wednesday 8 Mar 2006

As per my previous post, it seemed the Wednesday trek to my local curtain shop for a friendly $10 game of limit texas holdem was coming to an end.

I have been flirting with the idea of going to my towns only casino and this seemed to be the perfect excuse...

My wife and whole family are very scared of me getting/having a gambling problem, and think I am too obsessed with poker but the fact is I dont and have never really ever drank, have never "gone to the pub with the boys", don't smoke, dont buy magazines of either the car/motorbike or T&A variety so if I wanna play a little bit who should stop me!?

I have been playing a weekly $50 game for 10 months and have used it as practice.

I would be lying if I denied the fantasy of playing poker for a living (or at least earning supplemental funds) didn't make up a large part of my current goals in life, but I am realistic, and not likely to lose our cars or property by gambling.

There is nothing worse than constant whingeing about bad beats etc and I'm sure that EVERYONE thinks they have bad luck. Although this sounds like I am about to come up with a reason for my past losses it is not the case.

I truly believe that in the end the "luck" evens out and over a long period, correct play of odds will eventually pay off. Basically I have been due for 3 months!!!

So it was with great trepidation that I dropped off my girls to school and in 35 degree heat headed of to the Cas in shorts and runners.

There was only one table running at 10.30 am and it was a $5/$10 $10 $20 $20 limit table with 3 max raise per round. As it turns out, it was under the air vents and in 10 mins I was freezing! Seems the floor manager is a polar bear - or now that I think of it a penguin.

I had $215 in my wallet which was the $65 I had plus the $150 I withdrew to actually play with. I watched this table for a while and was very nervous about joining - they were all regulars and knew each other and I contemplated leaving. Finally the "sign-up guy" said we will open another table when we get 7 people.

I watched for about an hour and to my surprise people were playing pretty tight or at least nowhere as loose as I had been told or imagined. This gave me a little more confidence.

Nevertheless when I finally sat down I cashed the whole $215 because I reasoned they were more likely to bluff (even though it was limit) if I had a low stack PLUS I thought with the blinds at $5/$10 I could see two whole rounds for only $15 and still have $200 left to play with.

I will not give you a blow by blow but here are the basics:
  • Got a fair amount of good cards inc AA twice KK twice QQ and AK and numerous Q 10 suited etc
  • 9s were coming up LOTS and got paid twice with 9 4 off when hitting trip 9s
  • was about $250 up when I had a run of 3 consecutive hands where someone rivered the straight and actually got down to about $90
  • Fought back and was up when I had to leave to get my girls. I said "Last hand Kou" (the dealer) "make it good". I got Q9 spades and hit a 9 plus 2 spades on the flop. Turn K of spades gave me flush. River junk and I collected another $200 pot with everyone raising and left...
$460 up! YAY ME!!!

I don't expect to win all the time and don't want to make a habit of this but at the same time if I can stay up what is the harm?

My decision is now do I continue to play the Sat night no limit games for $50 or miss some of these (and therefore have a weekend life with the fam) and concentrate on the more lucrative and I believe easier Casino???

If ANYONE ever reads this I would be interested in your thoughts...


Sunday, March 05, 2006

2006/03/04 - Number 2

Ok so the first thing is a new titling system - basically date order with year first then month then day. This is how I date all my photos and the folders they are in and is the easiset way to sort things in date order by a mile - try it out.....

Now to poker- eventually...

Let's recap the last week shall we.

My usual friendly limit game I play on Wednesdays (I work retail so I get Wed and Sunday off) has just transformed into a friendly game of "Asshole" or "Presidents and Assholes". For the uninitiated, it is a great game of tactics. I cant be bothered explaining it here but you can find the rules here "".

I have a couple of problems with this.


2) The Wednesday boys play the very ordinary, most boring and least skillful version of this game. I was actually unaware that the version I have always played is a variation - I actually thought their version seemed like a watered down baby version but it seems they play the standard form.

Skip to the next red bit to miss the details of this game and my opinion on it

The variations I have always played are

Following Suit

In this variation, a single card can only be beaten by a higher card of the same suit. This makes it much harder to get rid of single cards.


Single-round play

Each player gets just one opportunity to pass or beat the previous play. Whoever played highest then leads again.

Now for those that play the game, I can assure you that without these two rules the game is VERY arbitrary and the skill factor is almost non existent.

It can be very hard to improve rank when these variations are in play but with some skill it is always possible...

Like poker where positioning is important, the single round allows the lowly asshole a way to gain control and start a hand by dumping low cards.....


The first thing to say is that I spent hours trying to come up with a table or schematic that would allow me to easily track all the hands I played... I failed miserably so I gave up on that.

My next idea was to catch a pic of the player with the hand that knocked me out to post here - but I forgot my camera so two strikes there - still I think this idea has merit and think if I can remember my camera I WILL do this...

So anyway, comes Saturday and I have decided to be aggressive. Now for the last month I have not seen a hand and when I have I have been short stacked and my winning start has been cracked by the flop if not the turn or river.

Unbelievably, I start getting A J suited, pocket 10s, A K, pocket 3s, K Q suited etc...

We had 29 people this week and a prize pool of $1450 of which about $550 went to the winner and even 6th got money back ($50 buy in with $2000 chips).

I bet big and raise with all these hands and the upshot is I was out within 15 minutes or so.

Now my excuse is I was genuinely feeling sick (I kept feeling "lucky" because the garden bed was within 5 or 6 steps so I could vomit) but the fact is I played very badly.

I bought into 2 more losers games ($20 each time) and came second in the second one to win my $40 back (for all the poker bloggers out there I was taken down heads up by Daniel - a nice guy and I believe very good player - with The Hammer ) I will try to post a belated photo if I can...

Speaking of "The Hammer" check out all The Grub's Poker Blog - CLEVER WRITING AND VERY INTERESTING

So Sat night I finished $50 in the red after fighting my way back from $90 down... Not great but coulda been worse.....

Home by 2.30 am and ready to play again....

Tired now though, more to come soon...